Italian Style

Italian style is so iconic, that for a young American it seems completely out of reach and out of budget. Yet, Italian style transcends brand names and luxury. In university areas especially, you can see sweats, baggy jackets, and dirty sneakers. But all those Italians still look so good, and so cool. How, and why? The key to Italian fashion lies in one's attitude. I observed a pride in self-presentation, so deeply ingrained in the Italian imagination that it has become as easy as breathing. "Fare bella figura", or roughly translated to "make a good first impression", is a phrase that has been a mantra in Italian culture for centuries. For example, all clothes fit well, jeans are often rolled, and if socks are mismatched, you can bet it was a decision rather than an afterthought. If you aren't wearing your jacket, you carry it with strength like the Bolognese man above. You don't need money to look cool. Every piece of wh...