The Interview: How to not be an awko taco
Congratulations! You should be pretty darn proud of yourself for getting this far. Alas, you have miles to go before you sleep. Hopefully these tips will help you nail the interview, and accomplish your lovely dreams. You got this.
Get Fancy:
It's tempting to arrive at the interview clad in your muddy Doc Martins and unwashed Smiths t-shirt being all like "I will not conform to societal expectations, rah rah rah" but for real, don't do it. This is a big deal, and you need to dress like you care. Iron some good shirts, break out those uncomfortable yet awfully classy shoes, and do this thing. Home can be the place to let your freak flag fly, not the boardroom.
Talk To Humans:
See that ruddy faced, yet promising individual over there? Talk to them! If worst comes to worst, you can just bond over how much you are completely about to pee your pants in fear. You have nothing to lose, and it really shows that you can act semi-alright under pressure. And who knows, you might make a friend! Yay friendship!
The Real Deal:
Right when you are helping yourself to the grand assortment of breakfast foods, DUN DUN DUN....your name has been called. Time for you to talk to a bunch of grown up people about how you are oh so curios and adventurous. Much daunting. So fear.
But it's okay tiny kitten! Take a deep breath, and walk into that room like you own it. Personally, I though I bombed my interview. I didn't think I answered each question very well, and I often found myself in a haze of "wut. is. words." But looking back on it, I do know this: I laughed a lot, made them laugh, and did a whole bunch of smiling in between. I don't think they are looking for perfect answers to these questions, but simply a good vibe. So send them some of your best vibes, and answer each question thoughtfully.
The Aftermath:
So, it's all said and done. If you think you didn't do so hot (which, I assure you, pretty much every kid is thinking) please don't beat yourself up! You can't go back in time, and you should try your best to learn, and move on. You have tons of other super cool stuff ahead of you! The worst that could come out of this whole mess is a newfound knowledge of the interview process, and a love for dapper button downs.
Get Fancy:
It's tempting to arrive at the interview clad in your muddy Doc Martins and unwashed Smiths t-shirt being all like "I will not conform to societal expectations, rah rah rah" but for real, don't do it. This is a big deal, and you need to dress like you care. Iron some good shirts, break out those uncomfortable yet awfully classy shoes, and do this thing. Home can be the place to let your freak flag fly, not the boardroom.
Talk To Humans:
See that ruddy faced, yet promising individual over there? Talk to them! If worst comes to worst, you can just bond over how much you are completely about to pee your pants in fear. You have nothing to lose, and it really shows that you can act semi-alright under pressure. And who knows, you might make a friend! Yay friendship!
The Real Deal:
Right when you are helping yourself to the grand assortment of breakfast foods, DUN DUN DUN....your name has been called. Time for you to talk to a bunch of grown up people about how you are oh so curios and adventurous. Much daunting. So fear.
But it's okay tiny kitten! Take a deep breath, and walk into that room like you own it. Personally, I though I bombed my interview. I didn't think I answered each question very well, and I often found myself in a haze of "wut. is. words." But looking back on it, I do know this: I laughed a lot, made them laugh, and did a whole bunch of smiling in between. I don't think they are looking for perfect answers to these questions, but simply a good vibe. So send them some of your best vibes, and answer each question thoughtfully.
The Aftermath:
So, it's all said and done. If you think you didn't do so hot (which, I assure you, pretty much every kid is thinking) please don't beat yourself up! You can't go back in time, and you should try your best to learn, and move on. You have tons of other super cool stuff ahead of you! The worst that could come out of this whole mess is a newfound knowledge of the interview process, and a love for dapper button downs.
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