Bremen vs. Frankfurt!
In Germany,your first Bundesliga soccer game is a rite of passage. Yesterday I was inducted into this higher level of Germanity by attending said game as a Bremen fan. Walking towards the stadium, which is crammed directly in the youthful "1/4" of Bremen, there were almost as many police-men as beer stands. This was intimidating. Otherwise, things were pretty friendly, unlike last week when Hamburg lost against Bremen and tore apart a train with their angry little hands. Seriously, Google it.
Anyway, each team had their own elaborate song at the beginning, which I guess was invented to reel in all the German theater-nerds. And just like this country's way of interacting, the game was "kurz und knackig" ( literally short and crunchy, or "short and sweet"),beating around no bushes and over in as little time as possible. Bremen won 1-0, which resulted in city spread jubilee, and a lot of happy howling. Lebenslang Grün-Weiß!!!!
Frankfurt Fans After a Loss |
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