Down an alley in Berlin...

One of the most magical parts of Berlin is that a dark alleyway can lead you to a rundown carnival playground! These places are called hinterhöfe (literally translating to "back yards") which are like miniature town squares nestled in the middle of apartment complexes. This particular party center seemed to be a rebellion against the gentrification and stroller-infestation that has been steadily plaguing the Mitte neighborhood. I managed to snap a few photos before a spikey-haired tenant stepped out onto his balcony, sighed, and shooed me away. 
Slime green ping-pong!

The colors are never ending in this city

Golden horse hiding in the bushes

I have been very pleased with the amount of disco balls present in this city. The pink and blue tarp in the background states "THE CITY BELONGS TO US."


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