First Few Days of School

Being the new kid is always tough. I mean, how are you supposed to feel even slightly functionable (for this sake of this blog post, "functionable" is now a word) when you are still unsure where the closest bathrooms are? So just add a nice, thick layer of tricky (sort of like frosting on a cake of confused brains) when you can barely comprehend what is even being said to you.

Sometimes I find myself so confused, that I become delusional, and gain the false belief that I understand what is happening. Like yesterday, a couple of the girls in my class where showing me around, and I somehow gathered that they were showing me the Chemistry room. I excitedly sputtered out in broken, dying German that I hate chemistry. In fact, I got so carried away, I went on for a solid minute about my chemistry hatred, sprinkling in a few profane words for good measure. I expected understanding nods, and perhaps a pat on the back, but I just got widened eyes. One girl gasped a bit. Turns out they were showing me the room where the head of school resided. Turns out his name sounds a lot like chemistry. I have chemistry class tomorrow. All of these things are unfortunate.

Latin in German was also a thing. It's a bit of a rush to hit your "Most Befuddled In All of Life" point. I highly suggest it. OH, and the teacher thought I was another girl in the class because I was sitting in her spot, and he was like "Christianne???" and I was like "ICH BIN CLARA. ICH KOMME AUS AMERICA.", and I think it was a nice bonding moment.

Tomorrow I have Sport first period, which should provide some laughs. But, on the brighter side of things, I purchased peanut-butter today. And in the end, that's all we really need, right? Except, if you are one of those ones that can stop living because of peanuts...then you need the opposite of needing peanut-butter. Good luck to the lot of you.


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