Things in My Life That Confuse Me
-KIDS SMOKING. Outside of my school, there is a horrifically large gathering of kids, babies, infants, ranging from ages 15-18, lighting up like it ain't no thang (ugh, that makes it sound pleasantly catchy. NO.) The other day, I struck one of them with my bike in their poor-decision-making shoulder, causing them to drop their cigarette, and I expect a "You Saved My Life That Day" fruit-basket in the next five years or so.
-My new smart phone. Is it normal that I have to take a seat, and 12 deep breaths every time I am required to respond to another human in text format?
-The fact that peanut-butter on bread does not, and will not constitute a sandwich.There must be butter, with the peanut-butter, thank you very much. And the thing is, I like it. I like it.
-The fact that I simultaneously feel like everything is happening to me, but that I also have absolutely no life. #exchangestudentprobs #identitycrisisontheregs #nutellaismostlikelytheanswer #arehashtagsathinginGermany??? #moreidentitycrisis
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